BnB Resources
If you are planning to start a new lodging establishment, below are some important resources for you to check in with:
Paris-Bourbon County Planning and Zoning to determine the properties existing zoning and requirements for operating your short-term rental or B&B establishment
Paris-Bourbon County Building Inspector to make sure your property complies with the Kentucky Building Code
Paris and/or Bourbon County Fire Marshal to determine requirements for permits and inspections.
Paris: 859-987-2120
Bourbon County: 859-987-2140
Paris and/or Bourbon County Revenue Commission to obtain a required occupational business license.
Paris: 859-987-2110
Bourbon County: 859-987-2139
Paris-Bourbon County Tourism Commission for a resource packet . City and County owners are required to collect a 3% local county transient room tax in addition to other taxes. Email tourism@parisky.com with your name and address to have a Paris-Bourbon County Resource Guide mailed to you. You may also find information specific to Airbnb, VRBO, etc. on-line.
Paris-Bourbon County Health Dept. for regulations.
Bourbon County Clerk’s office to determine if the property development or subdivision has restrictive covenants that regulates rental activity.
ALSO: An owner should review his or her insurance policy to make sure that the policy covers injuries or losses arising from the use of property by renters. An owner should be aware that short-term rental (staying less than 30 days) and bed and breakfast establishments may be subject to other local, state, and federal taxes, regulations, and rules, including, but not limited to the 1 percent state transient tax and 6 percent sales tax.
The information contained herein is complete, up-to-date and accurate to the best of our knowledge; however, this does not release the property owner and/or business operator from their obligation to comply with the regulations listed and any other applicable rules, requirements, or regulations, governmental or private.