Paris is a historic, spirited, and evolving community with small town hospitality. Paris strives to encourage great innovation, sustainable development, and enhanced recreational and educational opportunities, thus providing a safe and secure place to live, raise families, work, and conduct business.
From small batch bourbon to hand made soap, fine cuisine to taco stands, antiques to barber shops and everything in between, Downtown Paris is evolving into the kind of place you want to spend your day. With a diversity in businesses like nowhere else, Paris is becoming a standout destination for day trippers and weekend get-a-ways alike. You can find just about any style of food up and down our main street, combine that with our mix of shopping and it’s easy to see why Paris is on everyone’s to do list.
Don’t forget Paris is also home to thoroughbred horses; abundant, rolling pastures and picturesque landscapes. If you want to get away from the hustle and bustle, hop on the nationally acclaimed Paris Pike and escape to the city of Paris where you will find world-class congeniality AND unmatched hospitality!